5 Best Face Massage Techniques to Relieve Stress

Do you feel stressed out? Do you have a lot of tension in your face and neck? If so, then you should try face massage techniques! In this blog post, we will discuss five best face massage techniques that can help relieve stress and tension. We will also provide tips on how to give a good face massage. So, if you’re looking for a way to relax and de-stress, read on!

Why Face Massage to relieve stress?

When you massage your face, it increases blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. This can help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and puffiness. Face massage also helps to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers that can improve your mood and give you a sense of well-being. While there are many different face massage techniques that you can try, here are five of the best.

5 Best Face Massage Techniques


Effleurage is a gentle, stroking movement that is used to relax the muscles and increase blood flow. This type of face massage can be very soothing and is often used as part of a facial treatment. To do this technique, use your fingertips to stroke from the center of your face outwards. You can also use your fingertips to stroke from your hairline down to your jawline. This stroke should be smooth and continuous, without any sudden or jerky movements. Effleurage can be performed on the entire face, or on specific areas that are tense or sore.

Lymph Drainage Massage

Lymph drainage massage is a type of gentle massage that helps promote the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products and excess fluids away from the tissues and into the circulatory system. Start by applying light pressure under the jawbone on either side of your neck. You want to use your pressure downwards to promote drainage rather than massaging upwards. You should also run your fingers in a downward motion along either side of your nose and the front and back of your ears.

Acupressure Massage

Acupressure is a type of massage that uses pressure points to relieve pain and tension. To do this technique, use your fingers to find the pressure point on either side of your nose, between your eyebrows. Gently press on this point for a few seconds and then release. You can also massage the pressure points on either side of your jaw, just in front of your ears. To find these points, place your fingers on either side of your head and move them forward until you feel a slight indentation. Gently press on these points for a few seconds and then release.

Facial Roll Massage

Facial Roll Massage
Photo by Shiny Diamond: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-using-facial-roller-3762659/

A facial roll massage is a great way to relieve tension in the face and neck. To do this technique, you will need a small roller that is specifically designed for the face. Start by rolling the roller from your hairline down to your jawline. Then, roll from the center of your forehead outwards. You can also roll under your eyes, starting at the inner corner and moving outwards. Finish by rolling from the base of your neck up to your chin.

Guasha Massage

Guasha is a type of massage that uses a tool to scrape the skin. This technique is said to improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. To do this technique, you will need a guasha tool. Start by gently scraping the tool down one side of your face. You can do this from your hairline down to your jawline or from your forehead down to your chin. Repeat on the other side of your face.

Face massage is a great way to relieve stress and tension. There are many different techniques that you can try, but these five are some of the best. Remember to be gentle with your skin and to listen to your body. If you have any pain or discomfort, stop the massage and consult a doctor.

What face massage techniques do you find to be the most helpful in relieving stress? Share your tips in the comments below!