Multitasking is a way of life for many people. We are constantly trying to do several things at once, and that includes when we are working out. Is multitasking while you work out a good idea? When is it okay to multitask while exercising—and when is it not? In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of multitasking while you work out!
First, let’s define “multitasking”
Before we dive into whether multitasking while you work out is good or bad, let’s clarify on just what we mean by multitasking. The word multitasking itself tells you almost all that you need to know. Multitasking is simply the idea of performing more than one task at the same time. So when you think of multitasking, you probably think of complicated work but that misses a lot of things. For example, if you check your phone notifications while you brush your teeth, then you are multitasking.
So now that we know how broad of a term multitasking really is, let’s look at some of the ways you can multitask while you work out.
Multitasking While You Work Out
1. Define what you want to accomplish
The first step to multitasking while you work out is to have a clear goal or intention for your workout. This will help you focus on what is important and tune out any distractions. For example, if your goal is to run for 30 minutes, then you can ignore the dog that is barking outside or the person on the treadmill next to you.
Once you know what to NOT focus on, now you can decide what you DO want to focus on. Then combine that with your fitness goal to see how they fit. For example, if your goal is to do 30 minutes on the treadmill then you shouldn’t choose to listen to an audiobook that might stop in the middle of something interesting.
2. Decide it is is safe
The next step is to make sure that it is safe for you to multitask while you work out. This is especially important if you are new to working out or easily distracted. Sticking with the treadmill example, the treadmill will keep its own pace that you set it to so if you start focusing too much on the TV news program and miss a step you could end up injuring yourself. So instead you might decide to watch the news while you use a stationary bike instead.

3. Evaluate if you accomplished either of the tasks sufficiently
The last step is to evaluate if you actually accomplished either of the tasks that you set out to do. This goes back to having a clear goal for your workout. If your goal was to run for 30 minutes and you only ran for 20 because you were too busy watching the news, then you need to re-evaluate how well multitasking worked for you.
On the other hand, if you accomplished your goal and also got some valuable information from the news program, then multitasking while working out was a success!
Multitasking while you work out, can be a great way to get more done in less time. However, it is important to make sure that you are focusing on the right things and that you are not sacrificing your safety or the quality of your workout. When done correctly, multitasking can be a great way to improve your productivity and efficiency!
Multitasking Ideas to add to your Workouts
- Listen to audiobooks or podcasts and learn something new
- If you are working out at home, try mixing in a chore during rest breaks such as folding laundry
- If working out at home, try doing some of your beauty routine such as applying a face mask and then doing some yoga
- Instead of making your workout the main focus, try reversing it and adding simple exercises into your daily routine such as doing squats while you brush your teeth